Trends Business Research

Member profile

TBR is a leading consultancy in economic and strategy based research services throughout the UK’s professional and public service sectors. We work in partnership with clients and collaborators to deliver effective, intelligent and robust research solutions that are reliable, insightful, actionable and most importantly, deliver added value.

Following the completion of groundbreaking research into the job creation impact of all firm cohorts across the UK (for the Department for Trade and Industry – DTI) the principal researchers established TBR.

Government has since commissioned two updates of this research.

As a result of very large-scale projects like this TBR has acquired a remarkable level of understanding of the skills and methods required for analysing the structural detail of local, regional and national economies.

TBR is specialist in sector and cluster mapping, having led the team that produced the UK’s first ever assessment of economic clusters for Lord Sainsbury and the DTI in 2001.

TBR has worked continually across the economic development landscape with RDAs, sub-regional and local partnerships, local authorities, sector bodies and sector skills councils, the LSC and a host of other stakeholder and support organisations.

On average TBR completes c35 public sector focussed research projects per annum which means that we are within reach of the benchmark of our 1000th assignment public sector study.

We have extensive experience in providing evidence-based strategic business advice to national clients such as BIS, DCLG, DCMS, Scottish Enterprise and the Welsh Development Agency. We focus on providing key evidence related to relevant economic activity, labour markets, strategy evaluations and sector/cluster development for a range of strategic purposes.

We demonstrate these relationships in mapping, graphs and tables and analysis captured in reports which address the client requirements.